New publication

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In our last communication, we model vadose zone hydrological processes in naturally occurring piezometric depressions such as those found in the Chari-Baguirmi (Lake Chad Basin). This has been published in Environmental Earth Sciences and is the result of an international collaboration that includes the World Bank.
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New publication

In our last release, we study how the internal heterogeneity of biofilms enhances fluid mixing and reactions and biologically driven reactions, e.g., bioaccumulation, within porous media. This is a manuscript from Ishaan Markale! This has been published in Environmental Science & Technology in collaboration with UC Davis and WSL!
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New publication

Dorothee Kurz's paper on how both biofilm clustering and its internal permeability contribute to the fluid velocity variability in porous media is now been published in Environmental Science and Technology.
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New publication

A new publication in Water Resources Research in collaboration with CSIC-Barcelona colleagues (Ilian Ben-Noah, Juan Hidalgo, and Marco Dentz) on the mechanisms behind the anomalous transport in unsaturated porous media.
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