New publication

A new publication from Andrés Velásquez-Parra in Environmental Science and Technology, in which we study the phase saturation control on chaotic advection and mixing in porous media. This is a collaboration between the SEP group and colleagues from PSI and Empa.
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New publication

A new publication from Andrés Velásquez-Parra in Water Resources Research, in which we study the phase saturation control on mixing in porous media from synchrotron 4D X-ray micro-tomography experiments. This is a collaboration between the SEP group and colleagues from PSI and Empa.
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New publication

A new publication in Advanced Sciences in which we study bacterial chemotaxis under flow conditions in response to a nutrient hotspot (uncaged by photolysis) within a multiscale porosity micromodel. This is a collaboration between the SEP group, the MIT Department of Biological Engineering and the ETH Environmental Microfluidics Group - Stocker Lab.
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